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What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:07 pm
by 03SVTCobra
Quiet around here lately so I figured I would start a thread!
What are everyone's other hobbies?
Here are some of mine!
And of course video games!

Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:15 pm
by smiteo
this should probably be moved Off-Topic...

but my other hobbies (other than puzzles, solving, designing and collecting) are juggling and music.
and design of non-puzzle stuff like 3d sculptures and such...

Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:17 pm
Oooh lets see now...


PS3, PSVita, 3DS & Wii ;)

Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:24 pm
by 03SVTCobra
I always forget about the off topic section. Mods move this junk!

Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:11 am
by ReVoRabbit
You mean you have time to do things other than eat, sleep, work, & revo?

I just started a new blog about a method to "cure" health problems that are difficult to treat such as cancer, heptitius, MS, etc...

Follow my blog if you are interested, and please feel free to openly comment on my blog!

Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:06 am
by 303-Acid
Lego has received a bit of my money! Mostly Star Wars Lego sets but some Technic too.

Image Image

Recently I've gotten into coffee. I sat a beginner's making coffee course which led me to purchasing a Rancilio Silvia espresso machine and a grinder. I also got a popcorn popper to roast my own green beans.

Image Image

Otherwise Xbox 360 and Forza 4. :)

Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:41 am
OMG Lego, I'd totally forgotten about my building stuff :roll:

My Lego Stegosaurus :D

Geomag, not sure how I forgot this as I'm now considered an "Expert" by the company on their website :D

And the odd magnetic ball type constructions...

Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:15 pm
by BBloke
Some awesome pictures in the thread and great hobbies.

I got my first this week and finished it on Thursday evening. Great puzzle and I'm more than a little hungry for more. I'm sure it's pretty obvious being here I like puzzles. Mainly rubiks cube. I have a cabinet ranging from the normal to obscure and my favourite is the biggest 7x7x7 from V-Cube.


Other hobbies mainly involve PCs. Fixing, building, breaking, programming and of course playing games. I've always been into planes and such so I spent a good 4-5 years virtual flying WW2 fighters and bombers. A very cool game called Il-2 Sturmovik. Flying led to video making and then website building. So here's a few websites dedicated to the game.

My own: a catalog of many movies that were produced during the hay days.

A best of the best site I built for a good friend:

My ex-colleague, friend and boss a couple of times:

If any of it sparks any interest I highly recommend anything by Montydan especially Pictures of War and Pictures of War 2

Oh yeah and I'm the underside of 40.. well just.

Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:38 pm
by ReVoRabbit
I didn't know where else to stick this and i didn't want to start a whole new thread just for an off topic eBay auction. Hope you folks don't mind. If you do I'll be happy to remove it.

Hey guys, I ended up with a random Image bit, so i decided to throw it up on ePay to help me cover the costs of my Tron 30th costume.


Re: What are your other hobbies?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:22 pm
by 03SVTCobra
I miss my legos. I still have them all. Those star wars sets are badass
I recently started dirt jumping my bicycle again!