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Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 8:38 pm
by kev1n
Chris, could you email be a blank copy too?
It will give me an idea of what fields I may need to add to my existing database.


Re: Puzzle Cataloguing

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:08 pm
by kev1n
Hi Guys,

Having used Handbase on the iPad for a while and gotten a bit fed up with its restrictions I then tried Tapforms at the suggestion of Nigel. Whilst this is not bad, it is not a truly relational database and so ends up very wasteful of storage space and will become very slow with large databases (plus the obsessive coder from the 1980s in me dislikes wasteful storage!)

I decided to create a better desktop database which can be ported to iOS device. I have used FileMaker Pro on the Mac and so far have created a basic database and views (not done any iOS views yet) - here are 3 of the basic views. It is fully scripted and I have a basic dashboard screen too.

Basic list view (limited to certain fields):

Puzzle view:

Large photo view:

If anyone has any suggestions for fields to be added or altered, any layout suggestions, searches that you think need to be programmed into a simple button then suggestions would be gratefully received.

If you have FMP and want a copy of the database to play with then let me know. If you don't have FMP but do have a Mac then I can create a standalone executable for you to add your own data to then I would be happy to do this - again, let me know (although it might be better if you wait for iOS views to be done first). Unfortunately the Mac version cannot create Windows executables.

I really hope you can all chip in with ideas!

Re: Puzzle Cataloguing

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:16 pm
by 03SVTCobra
Kevin that is pretty sweet. Im on a mac and could use something like that but don't have FMP anymore. I was just going to make it in excel!