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Revomaze individual and set values over time?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 2:09 am
by overcome
Hi there everyone! I just recently got forum activation. I did speak to Chris on the phone about 1 week ago, but had a few more questions that I figured I could also ask here.

I just have a few more questions... I'm considering to buy 1-2 sets (the 7 Revomaze set). My question is, how many of the 7 sets have been made? And since I'm considering buying 2 sets, I was wondering do you think the value of the 7 sets will go up considerably over time (as a set or individually as each puzzle gets discontinued)? I'm considering a 2nd set, to hold for awhile to resell as an entire set so I can hold onto the 1st set...if that makes sense?

The reason for the questions...if you don't see the 7 set going up too much in value as a set or individually (continued production or higher numbers for instance)... then I'll most likely just buy 1 set. But, if the value of these revomazes will go up like the originals in time, or if the set will go up since there's not many sets, then I'd like to buy 2 of the 7 sets.

Maybe this is confusing. My main question is will the 7 set revomaze go up in value eventually like the originals as a set and/or individually? If so, i'm considering to buy more than 1 set for investment to keep 1 sealed and have 1 to play with. But if the values won't go up much over time (continued production for instance), then I'll just get 1 set and wait for others i'm interested in buying.

I know the copper is already discontinued and will go up in value, but it seems the others will eventually be discontinued also? So, I would assume they will also go up in value over time?


Re: Revomaze individual and set values over time?

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:13 am
by CzMeteo
Hi there and welcome to the forum.

Let me preface by explaining that the puzzling community does not particularly like scalpers, or people who buy hard to come across puzzles with the only intention of reselling them for much more than the original price. I hope that you would understand that puzzling does not attract as many people as something like a concert, so one would hope to welcome as many new people to the community. Having a puzzle that is being resold for unnecessarily high prices is good way to dissuade some people.

Aside from that, I think the seven set of revomazes currently offered on the website is a great deal. (Aqua, Blue, Green, Bronze, Indigo, Gunmetal, and Copper). If you are the type of person who would like to start a strong collection with some amazing puzzles, the seven set is great if you do not already own any of them. Buying them as a set offers a significant discount off of the individual price, increasing their value per cost.

This set of puzzles is a bundle deal, and not meant to be comparable to something like a Collectors Edition set. I do not think that a buyer is guaranteed a matching set of serial numbers, and there is nothing special about them as a group other than the fact that they are the seven current puzzles in production.

With that said, I presume that they will only be sold as a bundle for as long as they are in production.

Most often, the value is attributed to whether or not they are in production. Blue, Green, and Bronze have all been in production ever since they are released, which has been a long time. I would also guess that Aqua is a puzzle that will continue to stay in production. Indigo may stay in production for a while, but I can't say for certain. Gunmetal and Copper will eventually cease production and increase in value afterwords.

Generally, those that are still in production only increase in value in association with the general cost and inflation. In regard to out of production puzzles, all I will say is that they are only as valuable is what others are willing to pay for them. There has been a recent spike in interest recently due to a highly successful youtube video. Puzzles that are selling for high prices now may not sell for as much in the future. Typically those out of production tend to increase in value over time.

Hope this helps.

Re: Revomaze individual and set values over time?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:17 pm
by licence2phil
Any idea what my CE set is worth? I could do with retiring P Early retirement seems more likely than me receiving any of the R2s i put £100 deposit on a few years ago.