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Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:45 pm
by cornettracing80
i plan to work on it right away,but i also am not too concerned...just messin' with Blue! :D

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:41 pm
by HotRodLincoln
stet wrote:As far as the competition goes I’m not really that concerned about it. I have no intention of traveling to the UK for it so it doesn’t matter if I make it to the leader board or not.
Stet, just my opinion, but i encourage you to really take this competition seriously. I have been working with ReVoMaster to lock in the idea of getting a tournament running here in the US as well as the UK. I need Americans to want to be in the tournament. Then we can take a look at the location of all of the American tournament players and find a well suited location to host the tournament. It may be in your back yard!

For the rest of the american awaiting delivery of their Blues, I recieved confirmation yesterday, sunday the 22nd, that my puzzles was in the hands of the USPS.

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:16 pm
by walther
It has arrived in the US!!!!

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:15 pm
by HotRodLincoln
walther wrote:It has arrived in the US!!!!
I envy you! i'm sitting at work and i can feel it, mine is sitting at home in the apartment complex office. hope i can get home before they lock up.

So what do you think of it? give us your first opinion review

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:48 pm
by walther
Well, I like the feel of it. It's heavier than I expected, about the same as the Isis (little heavier). The color blue is fantastic, dark not baby blue. Movement is pretty good and I can see why people have sore hands. The only thing I might have done is make the bolt ends a little longer to make it a little easier to grip. So far I'm very impressed :D well worth the wait. Now ask me again in a few hours and I might have a different response ;)

Here is a size and color comparison to my Nkryptor.
(piece of crap account download limit. Moving the files to a different location)
Here is a size comparison to the head of my cat. :lol: :lol: :lol: At least she didn't slap at it, so I take that as a positive reaction :lol:

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:25 pm
by ReVoMate
Posts deleted as pics are working!

ReVoMate... keeping the forums tidy! ;)

UPDATE: (for future reference) These forums are free for all types of chats about ReVoMaze and other topics. But certain posts that are no longer relevant (such as "can you see the above pic" when you can & has been sorted) will be deleted just to keep things tidy and 'easy on the eyes' for everyone.

Don't know about everyone but I HATE scrolling through pages and pages of posts to see anything decent.. :P :lol: :? :roll: ;)

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:43 pm
by cornettracing80
unreal puzzle.... :|

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:47 pm
by bluesign2k
No way! I feel for you dude! :(
You'll have to give the postie a beating (or set the dog on him) when it eventually arrives... not until he's handed you the puzzle of course :lol:

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:53 pm
by stet
cornettracing80 wrote:unreal puzzle.... :|
Nothing on mine today either, so you are not alone.

Re: The 500 pound Gorilla in the room

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:53 pm
by cornettracing80
i dont know what to do with myself..i am fit to be tied....i think i will have a couple beers before i go to work so i dont take this baggage to work with me :|