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Re: Physical problems from mazing. How to prevent?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:05 am
by mcparty
I mean... There are warnings, all over. Not being cynical, just stating the obvious. Once again, breaks are suggested frequently. I've also had that rush of being in the home stretch on a maze, especially with the ones that require more dexterity, like the green. I don't think it's fair to claim that nobody told you explicitly to take breaks because that should not need to be stated. I'm sorry that the hand is sore, but everything is better in moderation.

Re: Physical problems from mazing. How to prevent?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:11 am
by Brassassin
I never claimed that I wasn’t warned about this. I also said I do NOT think there needs to be a (extra) warning on the box. It’s not that I didn’t realize this could happen.
Indeed I started this thread because I WAS aware you should watch out for overdoing it. I thought I was being careful and taking enough breaks. It worked fine, and I did not have any problems revoing for weeks and weeks. That is the reason I felt it stil caught me off guard, and the reason I wanted to put out this message. If it can happen to me, despite being aware, I guess it could happen to more of us.
Also, I wanted to see if this happens to a lot of people, or if I am just an unlucky, but rare case.
So thank you for your understanding.

I would like to leave your responses for what they are, and to get back on topic:
What would be good tips to prevent overdoing it? Things I read in this thread or elsewhere:
- Take frequent brakes, so short and often, instead of less but longer sessions
- Someone mentioned setting a 30 minute timer, so after that the alarm goes and you remember taking the needed break
- Use a training aid (which in the meantime I have ordered and received)
- Mind your posture: straight wrists and a loose grip (as loose as possible)

I am hoping anyone will chip in and maybe add to this short list.
I know these are all pretty common sense, but I still think they are good things to try to keep in mind. I for one am going to try these all out when I start revoing again, and hope it helps me to keep puzzling.
So at least it is a summary that helps me. Maybe it can help someone else, if so,that would be great.
If you feel you do not need extra tips, good for you. Carry on.

Re: Physical problems from mazing. How to prevent?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:11 pm
by ghxost
Dunno why but I'll say it again, this is the same as any physical activity that strains any muscles

Stay hydrated
Take breaks
Massage sore muscles
Soak sore muscles (see all major sports and physical therapy....)
Stretch before playing
Endurance training of used muscles (ie stress ball)

All very important for any activity. Not sure why these keep being ignored as they are time proven methods.

Re: Physical problems from mazing. How to prevent?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:30 pm
by mcparty
Mapping helps, as I tend to move slower when I map and this allows me to go for longer. Also allows me to get back to where I left off when I decide to take a break.

Find some resting points in the maze to sit and relax. A good example of this is the jacuzzi in bronze.

I generally won't work on a puzzle for longer than an hour before taking a small break.

The training aid is helpful as it allows your grip to be expanded a bit, but also hinders feedback from the maze (imo).

Like any muscle, repetition will build strength over time. The muscles in the hand need to be worked and established. This is done through working in moderation, pushing the muscles slightly, but not overdoing it. Think of training for a marathon. If you go out and run 13 miles within the first week after never running before, you will injure yourself and be out of commission for a while (not ideal). Start small and build on that.

The problem with this thread is that it is redundant. This is something that has been covered in multiple areas of the site within registered and open groups. Obviously, it is nice to have in one spot, but I don't know what you are looking for in terms of tips/advice. Ghost has given tips a few times, I have given tips a few times, you have suggested tips a few times, and there is no silver bullet as everyone is different. I'm 27 and don't have any issues with my joints, so I can generally work for about an hour. I imagine some people can work longer and some less.

Re: Physical problems from mazing. How to prevent?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:17 pm
by Brassassin
Thanks for your reply. I’m not sure if there are any more tips to give.
I was wondering how many more of us had these problems in the way I had them, but I guess they would have reacted already. It’s likely that I am an unlucky outlier, and that for most of us fortunately it isn’t that bad.
I really appreciate Rachel’s latest blogpost, with which she proves HQ closely follows these forums, and that they actually care about their customers. Not that I doubted that, but still, very nice.

We might just leave it at this. Hopefully I will be up and running with my titanium soon.

Re: Physical problems from mazing. How to prevent?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 1:34 am
by AKJohn
Kettlebells! Also some steel mace (cannonball on a stick) training. Super for the grip. I've been doing both for quite a while, and my Revo binge-a-thons haven't caused any issues.