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Re: Complete Difficulty Ranking List

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:52 pm
by tgr
AndrewParr wrote: That's why I think we need to rate each puzzle separately for brains and dexterity.
I think that makes a lot of sense. Even if you understand what needs to be done, it can take several attempts before you get your fingers to make the right moves.

Re: Complete Difficulty Ranking List

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:08 pm
by AndrewParr
I posted about this a while ago. I suggested a rating out of 10 for dexterity, and a rating out of 10 for new tricks. If players start with Blue and work sequentially through the puzzles, the system works. Even if they skip a few puzzles, they could add up the "new tricks" ratings for the puzzles they skipped and have a reasonable idea of what they are up against.

Consider this:
BLUE dexterity 2/10
BLUE new tricks 6/10
Total: 8/20

GREEN dexterity 5/10
GREEN new tricks 2/10
Total: 7/20

BRONZE dexterity 6/10
BRONZE new tricks 7/10
Total: 13/20

By this system, blue is rated harder than green because of the learning curve of familiarizing yourself with the Revomaze.

Also, a few recent new members say they've started with the bronze. Using this rating system, they can add up the "new tricks" for the bronze, plus the puzzles they skipped, to get a more realistic rating. In this case, starting with Bronze would get you a "new tricks" rating of 15/10.

Re: Complete Difficulty Ranking List

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:13 pm
by Sledneck27
Dorothea wrote:My personal ranking:

Aqua (10)
Blue (20)
Green (30)
Black (40)
Black V2 (40)
Red (40)
Titanium (40)
Copper (40)
Bronze (50)
Orange (60)
Indigo (60)
GunMetal (70)
Purple (70)
Gold (80)
Silver (90)
Lime (100)
Handmade ??? (as far as i know 90)

Mercury - no rank as it is the only one

I wonder where Salmon and Mint will fit on this list!!!