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Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:19 pm
by halfbake69
i will not buy this one as i'm saving for R2 and have no interest in owning a 4th blue

already got blue obs blue pro and blue extreme v2 so dont want it

EDIT : i would have totaly bought it if it was a new desing even for a higher price

Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:22 pm
by CzMeteo
I know that this is supposed to have a key ring loop. The stated weight is 300 grams. The V1 Revo is listed as 790 grams. This is slightly less than half of the original. To me this seems a bit unrealistic to put on a keychain.

Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:47 pm
by matrixagent
allardwza wrote:Question for someone from RevoHQ:
Are they currently literally "in stock" or will they be made at some point in the future?

[Still bearing the mental scars from the Handmade episode ...]

I had a chat With Joseph earlier. the impression I get is that these are not in stock. I guess the other indicator is that if they were ready to go(so to speak) then there would be no 4 week delay.

Cant say I blame ya for the scars!

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:32 pm
by a-maze-ing
Unbelievable... they are selling stuff that does not exist yet... Again!
Handmade, CE sets, and now mini Revo's... Déjà vu, déjà attendu...

Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:34 pm
by allardwza

...that is all.

Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:36 pm
by CzMeteo
If this really is true, then they should prioritize the collectors sets over the mini revos.

Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:54 pm
by saber
CzMeteo wrote:If this really is true, then they should prioritize the collectors sets over the mini revos.
They should prioritize building inventory before offering products for sale. It would appear that over-promise and under-deliver is still the prevailing operating mode. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Revomaze products I have seen, but there is something fundamentally wrong with their business model. After waiting several months to receive an "in stock" Obsession, I am unlikely to send any more money this way.

Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:24 pm
by ezamover
Instead of speculating on the in stock out of stock question.

Which is dragging their reputation through the mud. And I understand that, with the CE's and the HM's it has taken a battering.

Why not contact Joe directly to find out ?? !!!

He is very responsive on answering emails. It's not hard ... type the email press send .. get a definitive answer !!
If your not happy with the answer THEN moan and whine in the forums.

I think Chris knows the damage it has caused to his business reputation.
But after all it's effectively a one man band with limited financial resources. Give the guy a break FFS.
(from Chris) I really appreciate your continued patience and can now see the finishing line. It is important that in future we do things completely different to not get into the position we have been in.
I think he has seen the light.
matrixagent wrote:
allardwza wrote:Question for someone from RevoHQ:
Are they currently literally "in stock" or will they be made at some point in the future?

[Still bearing the mental scars from the Handmade episode ...]

I had a chat With Joseph earlier. the impression I get is that these are not in stock. I guess the other indicator is that if they were ready to go(so to speak) then there would be no 4 week delay.

Cant say I blame ya for the scars!
It's pretty clear on the site that it says.
They are human guys .... just like the rest of us .... doing the best they can with tools they have.

I know for instance that the shopping cart they have is not the best (I do web design for a hobby).
If they don't put a drop down list with a number on it you can't place an order.

What are they supposed to do with the limitations that imposes on them ?

Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:44 pm
by RichAE91
ezamover wrote:
They are human guys .... just like the rest of us .... doing the best they can with tools they have.
We get that but with all the trouble with the pre-ordering of the Gold's, Handmades and CE sets they should have learned not to do that again because life is unpredictable and they cannot gaurantee that the keyring will be made and posted withing 4 weeks of ordering something could happen to prevent that so they should be making them and then selling them not the other way around

Re: Mini Revomaze

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:07 am
by Naz737
ezamover wrote:I think Chris knows the damage it has caused to his business reputation.
But after all it's effectively a one man band with limited financial resources. Give the guy a break FFS.
I think he has seen the light.
Couldn't have said it better. Business is hard enough beyond trying to be inventor, developer, customer service, liaison to an engineering firm, internet, forum, pick up, drop off, prep send, send/customs... Makes me wonder how many hats someone can wear before they get tired of it all! As i understand it there are about 3 people or so? Chris, Joseph and Chris (forum). (I could be wrong!) AND its run out of the Pitt household.

We're looking to support Inside3 and 'Sanity' and... we're taking risks with our money cuz we LIKE the idea? Dare i say we, the people that have been around for years and some since the beginning, love this product. Revomaze is a community at this point!

WE are whats helping them along.

I think there are 4 openers of the HM (one of them twice cuz i bought it from an opener)... and that was considered a crisis?! Doesn't seem like there was ever much interest judging by the HM forum sections.

The CE sets are a point MORE for the people who haven't gotten ANY puzzles yet vs those (like myself) who have a full set already. And those people have gotten puzzles free of charge? The Titaniums as a good faith gesture? The guy is building a collectable legacy.

They are doing the best they can with what they have. (ezamover)

My point is:

Our patience is more than they could ask for to support their business.

If you, the "bereaved", really aren't happy... please take a step back and let those who want to play... have their fun and keep the slander off the forums. This is supposed to be a fun! And i'll be sorry to see you go as some already have.

Thanks for listening to my rant.