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Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:41 pm
by darenwhitaker
Wait, so now you're repressing our freedom to talk about a topic?
(sorry, couldn't resist) :)

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 9:02 pm
by darctangent
I think all logic goes out the window when it comes to collectors. :). I include myself as one of the happily inflicted as well.
All the best to my fellow Revoers!

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:23 pm
by ebarthe
In reply to PRIM8''s post (I missed the 1st one that was moderated, but I can imagine it).

My eBay account is somehow linked to my Paypal account which is registered in the USA though Im Spanish. Probably the reason is because I joined eBay and Paypal at the very beguinning when there was no operations of these in Spain. I have tried to change the listing to include a zip code from Chile, and I have just not been able, it will only accept a zip code from the USA as it assumes that I am American. Fine, thats why I have been VERY explicit in my eBay post to explain that the puzzle is located in Chile and will be sent from here. In case of any doubt, I will answer questions, but I havent had anyone yet and there are several people watching it. You can see my reputation on eBay, flawless. So, nice try to make me look as something that I am not, you didnt make it.

Regarding the price 600USD. Its a collectors item. What is your problem with it? If you dont think its worth it, dont bid. We are in a free market world, my friend. And guess what. I already have a bidder. Since its a new account with no reputation behind it, I will make sure that when he wins the bid, he pays upfront. I know how to deal with these things. Be happy my friend, and dont worry too much about the price that I request for my properties. Merry Christmas!

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:30 pm
by ebarthe
And for the rest... Prym8 is upset because he contacted me to ask if my gold was on sale, which I had not considered. I decided to place it on eBay. I decided to mark it up as a collector's item. And Ive got a bidder for 600USD.
So, this is setting up a new price standard on golds. And that's why he is mad at the situation. Its a free market, my friend. Chill out and dont "lmao" that much to whatever I decide to ask for my things.
Merry christmas to all.

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:16 pm
by Kirk2000
@ebarthe. Make sure you get the code from Chris for your gold Revo, anyone with a Gold Revo that has opened theirs knows what I am talking about, or it is useless to the person buying it, unless they want a Gold $600 paperweight. Just an FYI. KIRK

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:51 am
by ebarthe
I do have the code and the clues, Kirk. Thanks for the reminder. It would be an expensive paperweight :-)
Best regards

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 4:50 pm
by Prym8
@Ebarthe I like how you don't think it's a valid concern to bring up your location discrepancy on your eBay profile as if that's not something to consider shady by a consumer. Smh and Its funny how you are openly proud to be an opportunist. Of course I'm upset you over inflated the market temporarily and I say temporarily because Im sure that bid is a fake and honestly I wouldn't put it past you that the one bid is an alternate account (opportunist) you set up. So again enjoy bragging in an open forum of over inflating a small community market and being an opportunist. Lol how sad it must be to be you.

Happy Holidays Boss!

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 4:56 pm
by KeeZor
Can we please just let it go, and move along? ;)

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:15 pm
by Brian706
KeeZor wrote:Can we please just let it go, and move along? ;)
Was going to say the same thing. You said your piece. Let it go. One thing that I like about this forum is that it doesn't have these arguments and inflammatory comments. Please, for the love of God, let's not take this any farther.

Re: Buyers and Sellers

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:15 pm
by Brian706
KeeZor wrote:Can we please just let it go, and move along? ;)
Was going to say the same thing. You said your piece. Let it go. One thing that I like about this forum is that it doesn't have these arguments and inflammatory comments. Please, for the love of God, let's not take this any farther.