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Competition Formalities

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:18 pm
I have a few questions about the live event...
1) What kind of timing device will be used?
2) If the maze is open but not Placed on the stand correctly, is it still sloved?penalty?
3) Do we only get one chance to solve or can we use the allotted time to record our fastest?

I ask because I have started practising for the live event and don't want to reinforce bad habits.
for 1) I would suggest a Stackmat timer as it requires both hands to start/stop it as well as a stopwatch operated by the judge. 2) I sometimes "hastily" put down my maze a little to the left causing it to slide off slightly. Should this be a DNF or just a time penalty?
3) Most likely one one solve, But we are allotted for ex. 5 min for blue. I can repeatedly open my blue in under 20 sec(as will most "enthusiasts" invited to the event) , so we could potentially have a better change to get a true time. Either that or just do a mean of 3.
I will either practice slow and safe or fast and reckless.
Hope to see some of you there :D