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Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:11 am
by prodigy
September 21:
Who is behind the scenes?!
We think the youth are a huge importance so we are investing in youth to bring new technology to our puzzles. We welcome on board Rachel Kelly who is looking after social media and marketing. Joshua Boyd as production engineering and design. While both Rachel and Josh are going to be through an apprenticeship to gain qualifications in their chosen fields. We look forward to working with our new talents.
We'll keep on regular progress and updates for you all.
Best, Revomaze Puzzles

Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:50 pm
by CzMeteo



Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:44 am
by pewetools

where to vote? If Chris will continue to produce the limited edition of Bead Blasted...... I will be the first who will sell my set right away and will stop to buy Revos.


Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:42 am
by Rachel K
Dear Peter

We produced 3 sets of 4 puzzles (Blue, Green, Gunmetal, and Indigo) engraved with CE Collectors Edition as follows:

BU1of3CE - GR1of3CE - IN1of3CE - GM1of-3CE
BU1of3CE - GR2of3CE - IN2of3CE - GM2of-3CE
BU1of3CE - GR3of3CE - IN3of3CE - GM3of-3CE

We can also later add extra puzzles to this set (AQ1of3CE, BR1of3CE, CU1of3CE, MT1of3CE, and SA1of3CE).

To clarify, we are only producing these three sets with this numbering scheme, but if people want the sleeves we will be doing them. We charged £20 extra for each puzzle that covers the extra cost of the bead blasting and is aimed at the collectors (not limited). We have sold some other Bead Blasted individual puzzles.

We currently have 4 people who have asked to collect these sets with this numbering, so if you are happy to sell I can arrange this for you, no problem.

The important thing is we are asking opinions of our customers to see if the would like the sleeves and your opinion matters to us as does everyone else.

The Bead Blasted Merc Black is limited to just 20. Period. The same as the original Black and has the higher fee. We will not be producing any more than that, just like the original. Purple is the same. It is important to us that we protect peoples investments by sticking to this.

Hope this helps.

Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 11:59 pm
by 03SVTCobra
So I was sold what I was told was a 1 of 1 Bead Blasted Mint at an extra cost and now it is being offered as an option? AWESOME

Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:10 am
by pewetools
Hi Revogirl,

I am not a native speaker and so tell me if I understand correct: You want to tell me that for example in 20 years, I as a collector, will have maybe 50 green Bead Blasted Revo´s just and only with the different that there is a other number? You kidding me? You make a joke on me - right?

Just to make a different number is to bypass the sense of Limited Edition and is ethical reprehensible.


Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:01 am
by doc81
I think you guys are confusing limited edition (specific amount produced and no more will be made) and collectors edition (variations on the mazes with no set limit to be made). The limited edition mazes are much more expensive than a mere £20 higher due to their rarity. This expense is simply to cover the added labor of bead blasting. If you don't appreciate the altered look then don't spend the extra money.

Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:43 am
by 03SVTCobra
doc81 wrote:I think you guys are confusing limited edition (specific amount produced and no more will be made) and collectors edition (variations on the mazes with no set limit to be made). The limited edition mazes are much more expensive than a mere £20 higher due to their rarity. This expense is simply to cover the added labor of bead blasting. If you don't appreciate the altered look then don't spend the extra money.
What we dont appreciate is being told something is limited or a one off and then finding out it is not. This has been done on more than one occasion and its not cool.

Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 1:55 am
by pewetools
Hi doc81,

well, my English is not good but not bad enough to misunderstand the different between "limited" and "collectors edition". The set of the Bead Blusted were offered and sold: The Bead Blasted 4 Set Limited Edition.


Re: -Update from Revo HQ-

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:24 am
by Kirk2000
So there were 3 LE CE sets of four bead blasted Revos. To test the production prove out of that type of finish. The serial numbers indicate that. There is your LE status, first to own a set. Well, they will still produce the bead blasted Revos and never offer them in that set configuration again. There you go, Limited Edition.. Lets Revo on and produce as many shot peened Revo sleeved units as demand dictates, Chris still has to pay his overhead, and you can have your Limited CE sets with those serial numbers. I will take units serialized CE Limited Edition #4 please.. Oh, If you are doing this just to flip them and make money good luck. 99% of us just want more mazes to solve, the cost is irrelevant. KIRK