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Black V1 - ARGGHH !

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:28 pm
by Lans
Hi All,

after succesfully opening the blue ex1 without too much problems
(except that bit we all know !),

struggling with this Black v1 obsession !
i have got about 3rd of way through and at the part where
you follow the long curve bit right to left and then im stuck?

without saying too much i have mapped it, but seem to fall off the curve
in all directions :? ......
can anyone let me know if im on the right path as i have tried before the curve and no way forward there?

looking forward to delivery of my collectors edition titanium, and
can progress through the colours! (think it will be a bit of a wait still :cry: )

Re: Black V1 - ARGGHH !

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:23 pm
by Stigy
There aren't really any wrong paths as such, so just keep slugging away ;)

Re: Black V1 - ARGGHH !

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:42 pm
by Paradox
Map the trap lines just as well as the paths. If you know where the traps are then you know where you can't go.