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Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:00 am
by Stingray14k
nice burr there ali, that would still be a lifetime task for me :lol:

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:34 pm
by jerryloo71
Alimorris wrote:Good job Jerry?
Mine is still in the cupboard but I will try it again later as I have now disassembled Devils Pet
Thanks Ali. My goodness, that Burr looks ultra difficult!...I definitely won't be able to solve it without BurrTools

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:30 am
by pcad
The T8 and a bunch of other, far less expensive puzzle locks arrived today.i figured I won't be able to open the T8 any time soon so I might as well have something a bit easier to play with.

The set of 5 Indian locks and the heart lock all come with a pair of keys. Each of them have a different trick, but none were difficult enough to keep me from opening everyone of them within minutes. About the same time it took me to open the packages.

I also bought the "Lock Puzzle" by Vesa Timonen. This and the Lunatic lock by Gary Foshee are much more enjoyable puzzles than the keyed puzzle locks. They were also the least expensive.

So now all I've got is the T8 to open, yeah right! Those other lesser locks did nothing to prepare me for this stainless steel villain.

The shackle wiggles slightly. There a beefy looking steel roll pin pressed through the body of the lock from one side to the other. You can even look through the pin. I poked at it a bit and it doesn't have any movement at all. My guess is that it anchors whatever mechanism is inside and keeps the guts from coming out. There's another pin that appears to be pressed in also. It doesn't budge at all. Then there's a recessed hole with some red paint at the end of the body. I can't see that being dynamic.

So all that's left to play with is located at the end of the body. A nice knurled knob that has a little play in it and what looks like a stainless steel screw at the end of the knob. It's head is filled with more red paint and it has a bit of spring action. You push it in and it returns to its original position.

The knobs spins but doesn't seem to do anything. The screw goes in and out a bit while turning the knob. OK that amuses me for a very short time. The stainles screw spins with the knob but I can't unscrew it using my fingers. I'd say the red paint is a hint to not force it. I've tried turning the knob with the screw pressed in. Nothing. A great big fat nothing.

There just isn't a whole lot to do with this thing. Very intimidating, very big, very heavy and very closed.

Maybe it's time to go back to a nice friendly Revomaze like the silver....

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:37 am
by noshaq
I got my T8 yesterday and i'm at the same point as you pcad.
I've made the same discoveries, but no progress :)

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:43 pm
by Alimorris
My T8 is now open!!!!

These popplocks just get better ;)

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:14 pm
by TheJuggler
Received my T8 last night. Opened it and I have to say I like it. I'll try to throw a video up at the weekend with a few locks in it.

Clever mechanism, and very well hidden.

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:08 pm
by pcad
Apparently too well hidden for my tired old eyes. It's microscope time for my T8. Hopefully I'll find a clue on how to get past the "oh.. Isn't it pretty" stage.

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:44 pm
by Chyron
You Revomazer's, using your eyes.

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:34 pm
by pcad
I think I found something, or even maybe something's.

Re: Rainer Popp - Popplocks

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:01 pm
by pcad
Since my last post I figured out what must be the first trick relatively quickly. The second trick took a lot longer to solve.

I don't know a lot about locks, trick or otherwise, but I can't imagine this mechanism has been used in a padlock or tube lock before. Very clever and not at all obvious. In fact both tricks are very well hidden.

Almost wish we had an "opened" forum to discuss puzzles like this. That would probably spawn thousands of subforums, oh well.