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New forums ?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:54 am
by pcad
I've ordered my set as open. Even if I didn't I'll have access to the maps and more than enough information to open them if I wish.

Will I be granted access to the open forums or will there be an alternate universe of forums for the CE set. Like a registered and open forum for the Blue CE puzzle and for the Green and so on. Or will those with photos of their open cores be granted access to the traditional forums?

With the competition being changed to a lottery I see no reason to have alternate open forums. I think restricted open forums are still needed if for no other reason than to prevent the solutions from proliferating on the Internet.

Maybe Chris and company already know how this will work, or if not, they should start thinking about it before the sets are delivered.

Re: New forums ?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:30 am
by bluesign2k
How many people will have ordered a CE set and asked for it to be open if they don't already have a set (that's likely to be open)? Things will stay as they are, as long as I'm sent pictures of opened, undamaged puzzles, then you'll be added to the open group. There won't be any CE open groups.

Re: New forums ?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:58 pm
by pcad
Well I'm one. I'm not even confident that my silver can be opened and I've got at least one more maze to solve before working the gold. When the CE set arrives I'll have only the Lime as an unsolved revomaze.

We don't even know how many sets were ordered much less how many are open vs closed or nickle vs gold plating. I wonder which will be rarer, a Purple or a gold plated CE set? As it stands now, I count only 14 Purples. The next rarest would be the Black EX and the Handmades.