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Escape rooms

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:16 pm
by AndrewParr
Hi all,

North America has recently seen this new form of puzzle-themed entertainment take hold. I, for one, am addicted to escape rooms. I've only played 10 rooms, but I've managed 8 escapes.

What about you? Got any in your part of the world? Are they any good?


Re: Escape rooms

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:29 pm
by Chyron
I've been really interested in doing a local one, but I just haven't had the time or group. I proposed it at work as something of a team building exercise but they prefer something competetive over something where people work together =P

I love my co-workers. :|

Re: Escape rooms

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:04 pm
by AndrewParr
Well, it's their loss. You see a new side of coworkers when in an escape room. The quiet, puzzley types get an opportunity to be the alpha male. :)

Re: Escape rooms

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 10:30 pm
by Kirk2000
I did one of those with a bunch of women at the office. It was in New York City and all the alpha females had no logical reasoning skills, it was so apparent.. They sure did talk about it a lot, but no one sat there and tried to solve the puzzle to escape.. Two women actually cried. After the bitching session I showed them how to solve the puzzle and open the door. It basically was a math problem using objects.. We used to do these type of workshop thingies in grad school.. Easy Peasy.. I think the OP is talking about the online game.. I got up to the 8th room..

Re: Escape rooms

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:26 pm
by AndrewParr
Please excuse the blatant self promotion...

Here's a business I started this past summer. I design escape rooms, and business has been quite good!

Anyway, the type of person who enjoys the Revomaze would probably enjoy an escape game. If you haven't played one yet, you should give it a shot!

Re: Escape rooms

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:04 pm
by Kirk2000
Nice.. But these are not for the casual puzzler.. If your life depended on solving the problem you would have to solve the dilemma instead of just giving up and walking away. Kind of like the SAW movie problems.. Here on Long Island during fall they have numerous corn mazes that are really hard to solve.. They often take most or all of the day and are real fun. Remember, always turn right and eventually you will exit the maze.. I thought about selling this idea to Bars and Pubs.. Put one of these rooms in a bar or pub and drunk people would be happy to part with their money for a shot at escaping one of these rooms. A little buzz and a few men and women in a locked room would be hilarious to watch on monitors all over the bar. Very entertaining.. Look at how popular Quiz night is, these escape room puzzles are Quiz night raised to the 10th power.. KIRK

Re: Escape rooms

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:15 pm
by darctangent
AndrewParr wrote:Please excuse the blatant self promotion...

Here's a business I started this past summer. I design escape rooms, and business has been quite good!

Anyway, the type of person who enjoys the Revomaze would probably enjoy an escape game. If you haven't played one yet, you should give it a shot!
Very cool.

Re: Escape rooms

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:35 pm
by AndrewParr
It's an interesting point you make Kirk, I've also thought escape games had a very narrow appeal, and that's why I thought this group would embrace the game. But most posts I see from local escape games show team pictures of happy players, most of whom have failed to escape but enjoyed the game regardless.
I also see it as a very different type of game to trivia night at a pub. I love escape games, I HATE trivia. I think that's because I'm quite logical, and not at all trivial. And most room owners in town don't like when the players have a few drinks ahead of time, because that's when stuff gets busted.
With the business, I've thought a lot about how long this game will have an appeal. It's astounding how many companies are starting up and looking for five or six rooms. And how many cities have dozens of escape game franchises in operation. I hope the bubble doesn't burst for a few years!